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Jul 1, 2015

Aust exposure to Greek crisis 'minuscule'

AUSTRALIA'S exposure to the Greek debt crisis and a potential default by Athens is "minuscule", says Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens.
THE Greek government is due to repay a 1.5 billion euro ($A2.20 billion) loan to the IMF on Tuesday but unexpectedly stalled proceedings at the weekend by announcing it would take any further austerity plans to a popular vote on Saturday.
"I don't have any gratuitous advice for the ECB (European Central Bank) or euro ministers, or for the Greek government," Mr Stevens told a London financial industry event on Tuesday when asked if the RBA had been making contingency plans. "They've got to manage the situation. "In terms of our exposures - Australia's exposures are minuscule directly. "So I would anticipate that there's unlikely to be material issues for us unless there was a major ruction in global markets, and in that world everybody's affected." Mr Stevens insisted "that's as much as one needs to say at the moment". "I think we're in good shape," he concluded.

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