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Jun 11, 2015

US to send more troops to train Iraqis

US President Barack Obama has approved the deployment of up to 450 more US military personnel to Iraq in a bid to reverse gains by the Islamic State group.
THE White House said on Wednesday that the forces will take part in an already 3000-strong US mission to "train, advise, and assist" Iraqi army and Sunni tribal fighters.
Recent Islamic State victories in Ramadi in Iraq and Syria's Palmyra seem to have rubbished Obama's strategy of depending on US airpower and an amalgam of disparate ground forces to "defeat and degrade" the jihadist group. Amid the criticism, the White House also announced the "expedited delivery of essential equipment and materiel" for tribal and Kurdish Peshmerga fighters - in co-ordination with the central government in Baghdad. Until now, Baghdad has funnelled weapons and overseen the training of Sunni tribal fighters, seen as likely to be key to victory in Ramadi and the surrounding Anbar province. The Obama administration is now looking at having American troops more directly involved in training those Sunni volunteers. Iraq's Sunni Muslim community has yet to join the fight against the self-proclaimed Islamic State in large numbers. Among Sunnis there is simmering distrust of the Shi'ite-led government in Baghdad, which IS fighters have sought to exploit. The larger US deployment is expected to mean increasing the number of training sites from the four currently being used. Taken together, the measures would significantly scale up US activities in Iraq, but stop short of a strategy overhaul. Obama's Republican political adversaries seized on that aspect of the announcement. "It's a step in the right direction, but as the president admitted the other day, he has no strategy to win. And this is another tactical move," House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner said. "I support the tactical move the president is taking, but where's the overarching strategy?"

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